Monday, November 9, 2009

Catch a wave and you're sitting on top of the world!

Why is exercising so difficult. I broke out this old 1980 picture of me to help motivate me to stay focused on getting back in shape. Dang the ladies loved me when I looked like this. I know this picture is going to open a lot of old wounds and broken hearts. I just hope the world hasn't caught on to this great blog site yet or I might have done a dumb thing putting up my old photo. Anyway, now I am one woman man!! Your mom is one lucky girl don't you say!! Went to the doc today and all is good. Blood pressure is low and blood sugar is perfect. To celebrate I went out and ran Macee in the ground in a little 2 mile speed workout. In all fairness she hasn't been running much the past two weeks since state x/c. I kind of took it slow to psyche her out a little then at the end I put it all out there!! Kind of took her back. Well enough about me. I want everyone to know what been on my mind!! That is how much fun it's going to be to get everyone together at Thanksgiving. Should be a blast!! I thought we would get our bellies full and just sit around and enjoy some great conversation. I thought we might sit around and try to discuss who wrecked Dad's car(s) the worst. That should take one full day! Well this will do for Mom and Dad's post!! I don't want anyone missing their turn and I especially want to hear from Ali and Brannon. Don't think you're getting out of this! When you said I do for better or WORSE, you agreed to post on the family blog!!! Love you all and hope all is great!!!!! remember to say your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Kids, I'm afraid dad has lost touch with reality. Love Mom
